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Bonnie and Chica are at my doors! (WIP Blender)

Replayed > Dormitabis all the way to night 10, got to say that this is still my go to fan game to this day. It has most of what I love about fnaf, sound design, textures and more and still is fun to play. Btw this image scares me and still does ;-; More:

This is an interesting group

So @MorsStudios computer may be now broken but, we still can work.

Just a bit slower

So yea…

I looked a bit more into it and can say now that not only the GPU is broken but the CPU too, this is now a huge problem for develop of CFW.

I completely don’t know what to do now


Recently, me and @DevoBevoNevo have decided to collaborate on creating a FNaF Fangame and we need help. We're looking for any coders experienced in Clickteam 2.5. If you're interested in helping us out, comment below, or DM me on GJ / Discord to apply.


Added some New Lighting before and after

Omg it looks so good this game is finally coming together now!

If your interested in stuff like this follow the Abandmatronics Roblox game page