General in Changed Furry Fan Community

Share your Transfurmations!


Good mornings

Groot Morning

I'm probably gonna try to make an animation today.

Also join my community if you haven't, cause why not :p

(Sorry, forgot to put this in promotion)


Join my community!!

Because why not

Happy my #spawnday

Srry for not posting, ive been very busy this days, maybe tomorrow i post something :)


Who released the GAS? Admit it =3

Future Mod : Transfurmation REVOLUTION

ayoo !! half way to 2k

read article <3

Changed community you cannot stop me from corrupting all you furries I am the black goo furry of changed puro you cannot stop me buddy from corrupting you all

𝐢 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐢𝐭