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Crossbones is one of my fav Sanses, and now thanks to @Manic0626 , we got this :3

As said, art by @Manic0626

Heya everyone! I need help finding a UT/DR fight fangame I half-remember.

half life 2 is free to claim and own forever on steam for two days for their 20th anniversary, go claim it and then decide if you wanna play it or not, i've heard it's a good game

Okay, I just had the SICKEST idea for a Storyshift take:

"Small" overhaul of Boundedtale's interface.

Today's Episode: Party Icons.

You know, I've been thinking that in this Boundedtale reboot I should focus on making the UI more Undertale-like.

I'll give a synopsis of Boundedtale at some point.

(I think should stop posting this AU in the DONTFORGET Fanart section)

Hey everyone, Darry here.

Here is the release of the turkish translation for the game made by @Snas_boii . He asked me if he could do it and I agreed.
If you want to do also your own translation to another language for the game (even if it's really short)

Dev Update - Halloween 2024

Berserk reference in ts!underswap !??!!?!