Testing with personality cores
Drew glados and wheately in chalk(or at least tried to, I didn't have a lot of colors or time)
Recently finished both portal 1 and 2
Welcome to the Valve Community community on Game Jolt!
Have fun and create awesome posts about any topic
Valve is a studio that jumps into the world of creating games! You may post any post regarding to these rules:
Post things related to any Valve games or Valve themself.
Please do not say anything abusive to anyone else because this is a community for everyone, so let's not be mean!
But if someone abuses your friends, please tell us moderators so we can eject that post and tell them why we ejected it.
Feel free to post anything following these rules!
Enjoy staying in this community!
Big note from me @PINKPANT4545
big thank you to the following people.
@Snopic_the_Scout_main for helping make this community under my very bad hands.
For making / helping with our TF2 chat
And me @PINKPANT4545 for making this community happen.