post random here in Valve Community

After nine years in development, hopefully it was worth the wait.

Today it's a peculiar day

Wanna know why?

It's VALVe's birthday!

But it's also Hideo Kojima's bday!

You know who that is?

The creator of Metal Gear! So happy bday VALVe, happy bday Hideo Kojima

Half Life + Portal


'Ello, lads, lasses, in and out betweens, an answer to this fun little riddle for me is Portal and Half-Life. #GJAsks

: Juegos de Steam

: Steam games


what I hear on the bus:

smth i made idfk

: Yum tarta

: Yum cake



should i get source filmmaker

i think its safe to say valve doesnt know how to count to 3