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Found out im grounded for another 5 days
I was so excited for the weekend being feel like I've been going through hard labor this week
I also have a presentation that i have to do Monday and i don't really like talking in front of the class
My dad legit just grounded me last night because of a sweater on my chair-

Bruise, xray, and needle warning: After making this i literally almost died
Remember the projects i made about Swandy on scratch? How come he didn't get banned but i did? He did something illegal and i was making sure scratch would notify and get rid of him on scratch yet they go and ban me instead

For those of you who don't wanna click the link x2

For those of you who don't wanna click the link
My response to swandy
Guys i need to spread this around so please click the link so hear what this keep did to me and my friends