Vent n support~! in Vent n' Support~✨

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Just because I think it's wrong doesn't mean I'm a polyphobe I'm catholic and I will rarely accept it in ships but because I have my beliefs doesn't mean that I am a polyphobe
I'm just gonna vent real quick....
But I like being home alone since my dad isn't home, and he annoys me to no end, but at the same time, when I'm home alone it's extremely lonely and I can't focus on anything but my own.... Thoughts...
I want to be torn apart excruciatingly
I punish my body cause it's not good enough for me
The scary thoughts are spreading like a weed
The thoughts that say that I Deserve To Bleed!!!
Y'know... Iwonder when my life will truly begin.....
Cause right now.... I don't even know what to do with myself....
Like... I'm just laying on my couch just doomscrolling.... I don't want to be like this but doing anything else feels too exhausting...

yeah vents are pretty cool
air comes out of them
heck you can even hide in one of these
The more I look at all the avatar frames, the more I wish I wasn't broke and could get one of them, but even if I asked my dad for it, he'd make a big deal about it... Oh wait, he probably wouldn't even like that I have GameJolt...
It's so fucking stupid!

Goodnight guys.... I'll be logging off in a few...
Is it bad that I have a stalker? (No, I'm not joking... She literally was just following me between my first and second period with a smirk on her stupid fucking face)