
Comments (5)

What do you think?

I liked it. Wasn´t painted THAT well, as you sayed, but that makes the game good. you had a nice idea with doing that. could you please fix it, that not all of the text is on screen in Fullscreen mode? thaks

the ms paint visuals were nice

It's a nice concept, the short time and single rooms make the trial and error bearable, it would be a lot more engaging if the boxer didn't rotate, thus making the game more puzzle-like and giving the gameplay a less luck-based feeling. Although it has no luck from what I played, it sometimes felt like a typical luck-based physics game, with all thore rolling and rotating blocks going wild.

Cool concept, nice gameplay. But there was lack of something... I don't know.

Quite wonky overall, but it's indeed a nice puzzle game, I would consider to polish this up. The potential is great!


Ten Sec Phys

Version: 1.0.0over 11 years ago

Escape the lazer in ten seconds by experimenting with various types of blocks and pressure blates to solve the puzzle and make your way to the door. The menu+ end screen had to be done in one hour. hence the ugly writing all over them (I pannicked).

Mild Cartoon Violence

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