Comments (10)
I can totally relate to the problems of this character. I made a let'splay video, please tell me if you have any objections :)
The trophy is bigger than the player!! Lol! I included it in part 6 of my GameBoy Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :)
Animations, sound, an a handful of more levels added. If you notice any other issues please tell me but otherwise enjoy.
hi im the guy who did the textures for the game I haven't even thought of sound but ill make some now that you mentioned it
The game controls fine and the graphics blend together well. Unfortunately it is a bit too short and lacks music and sound effects. Cool game nonetheless
Welcome to Short People Problems!
By Brendan Hansknecht(Code)
and Luke DeVault(textures)
Made For GBJam 3 #gbjam3
You are short and have to move boxes to climb and get the cup btw spikes send you back to spawn.
Use arrow keys to move
Use X to reset the level
Use Z to pickup boxes
If Quickplay/zip does not work then use installer