Comments (14)
Lol xD I even recorded this one when I was younger I remember, I even left a comment down there, GameGuardian. So glad this is still up!
I really enjoyed 10 Seconds In Hell. I wrote about my play through: http://videogamesproper.blogspot.com/search/label/10%20Seconds%20in%20Hell
Aw how adorable.You really think youre going to BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SHE TROLLED HIM HARD
Hey Patchwork :D
I really enjoyed this game you made :)
So much so I made an video on it :D
Great game:)
10 Seconds in Hell
You must find a way to protect yourself before he comes to the door. May be upsetting to some players for themes of domestic violence.
Made for the Ludum Dare 27 competition with the theme "10 Seconds".
Q - Drag object
E - Use object
TAB - Toggle subtitles