
Comments (11)

What do you think?

The games you make are always full of so much personality and soul.

This was an experience, to say the least.

Great work on making me feel bad for the protagonist!

As the peoples have said. Sad themes (the kicking guys were awesome) and amazing sound design. I would seriously play a game where all you do is walk around and listen to sounds.

I think I played this game before, when it was called HIGH SCHOOL :P I really liked the atmosphere, it may not be much of an actual "game" but the fact that you are moving the character makes you have a tighter bond to the story. It also left me wishing I could find a gun somewhere which I guess makes sense. It felt too short so Idk if I missed something. A few choices would have been cool, I wouldn't have [SPOILER WARNING] trusted and followed the old guy in the end since he's a stranger but oh well. Idk if the conversation is meant to be hard to hear so it's open for interpretation, I think I caught the first line he said though.
Idk how to rate this xD

Smooth game with a nice story. Like igh said, would've been nice to of had to make choices during the game!

Beautiful story and presentation... but I feel like I would have been more invested with some choices to make.


Sriggy Moggful

Version: 1.0.0over 11 years ago

Sad tale of Sriggy Moggful.

Music by JosephAS1:

Mild Cartoon Violence

Sriggy Moggful released

I have released the story of Sriggy Moggful.