Robo's Foxhouse 2024 Final (Chapter 1/2)
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Robo's Foxhouse 2024 is part 2 of Robo's Foxhouse 2023 with his friends being burnt so it is your job to get rid of them!

the game is about Robo and his friends being burnt in a giant furnace by a character called foxy and there is something controlling foxy that is making him do this and you are a german fox working for Robo's Foxhouse for the night

2024 October 28th a german fox named Steven davids he was walking home then he went on a bus home he gets a newspaper about Robo's Foxhouse france closing due to an accident when john david passes away then the german fox agrees then he works at Robo's Foxhouse for a week and his manager was from poland and then steven davids reliesed this was not a good idea

Robo777IsFox Owner of game
LuckyLrobinson Ideas
Topdominic100 Graphic idea
Joshyboy studios some ideas
Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed