
Comments (50)

What do you think?

i need this in my live

download link?

any updates in the past year???

Would love to see what you have so far if you'd be willing. I saw that you said pallet town was ready, I think a lot of people, myself included, would love to just have a look around whats already done. Maybe a demo of sorts?

fake i cant download it

I'm remaking Pokemon Red in all it's glory as a 3D game! Mainly doing this for my portfolio and to learn some new concepts :)

By 3D I mean full 1st Person Perspective.

I might end up making it VR-compatible too

#fangame #action #adventure #rpg #vr #strategy #other


I got Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Pikachu, rattata, pidgey, mankey, spearow, nidoran(m and f), weedle, and caterpie all measured out. Can't wait to model them on thursday :D keep tuned for more

Working on some measurements. Drawings were done quick so I wasnt worrying on look.

Yes I'm aware bulbasaur looks like he was either possessed, about to go on a murder spree, or literally dead inside. Fucked up his pupils.

Last poll for today. Following the Pokemon Yellow Idea, Should I code in a way to have a smaller pokemon (Like less than 3m or so) Trail behind you? (Like pikachu in Pokemon Yellow)

  5 votes Voting finished

As a Throwback to Yellow, should Pikachu be a starter as well? If so, pikachu will be more rarely found within the game.

  3 votes Voting finished

Here's a big one. Should in game people's voices be actually voiced or just text. (I can hire voice actors or voice actors I know to do this).

  2 votes Voting finished

New poll! Should I use original 8bit music or hire/make my own remixed versions? (Not like dubsteppy, but sounds more relevant to the style of game)

  2 votes Voting finished

Should I make it a true Red Remake, take some building Examples from FireRed and use those, or use some of my own ideas to further modernize the world (more modern houses and gadgets)

  3 votes Voting finished

First off! I need a better player insight on the art style. Should I do a Toon Style like the First Example, or a cel shaded/toon style with hard edges (Like a more toonish and bright borderlands) examples included.

  3 votes Voting finished

Hoiiii, I'm away from computer until the 2nd. Then more development shall begin. In the meantimeeeeee. I need y'alls help will some decisions :) Large amount of polls incoming! Please

So at this moment I realized that if I continue using cubes as ground it will be harder later on to be smooth. Should I work on doing terrain first for pallet town, 101, and viridian?