Game Soundtrack
- 1.Title Screen
- 2.Remnants of Ragnarok - Prologue
- 3.Weil's Last Stand (Ragnarok) -Prolouge Boss-
- 4.Intro Stage
- 5.Electric Base
- 6.Blazing Madness
- 7.Ignited Force
- 8.Glacial Wonders
- 9.Sub-Zero Caverns
- 10.Sunken Labs
- 11.Artificial Jungle
- 12.Venomous Hazard
- 13.Phantom Underground
- 14.Knight's Castle
- 15.Sinister Alliance
- 16.Maverick Approaching
- 17.Decisive Revenge
- 18.MK-II
- 19.Perfect Copy X
- 20.The Sinister One
- 21.The Only Thing I Know For Real
- 22.Zero's Requiem
During the hunt for the dark elf, Weil found out that the base was built on top of the buried ruins where Zero was slumbering once ago, clearing everything out of the way, he discovered Zero's pod and secretly hidden inside of it, a copy of Zero's DNA in case something went wrong. Weil used this DNA to create his own mavericks that are nearly identical to Zero! During the fight on Ragnarok, Weil tried to bring it down for a final attack to destroy Zero only to have Ceil bring Zero back just in time! After the crash of the Ragnarok,most of Neo-Arcadia was destroyed and whats left barely hung on. During this time, Weil's mavericks awoke and one by the name of Manic, through his power, took leadership of weils forces and now aim to finish what he started, through any means neccesary! #fangame #platformer #retro #strategy