Comments (5)
He killed me with 4 hp
Damn satan's looking hot
Honestly this fight for me wasn't too hard I feel like its pretty fair you just have to be really skilled at lisa
oh yeah, this one is a classic
satan is incredibly well-balanced in this by pre-sowts pointless standards
my go-to strategy in this is to have alex use minor iris in the first turn (satan doesn't attack in the first turn) then have joel +spook the big man before alex twists himself, joel scares satan (and the occasional +wary), and then one more minor iris, and then blam, satan is down to sub-3700 health
occasionally satan manages to get alex and joel with +paralysis, and then miss the damn bone-breaking chop, which is really funny and i'm very, very glad that it's not a certain hit, i don't remember the last time i made it through the whole fight without getting paralysed at least once
Satan Encounter - LISA: The Pointless
A customized Satan, built around LISA: The Pointless. Probably a little unfair but entirely doable.
You start at level 9 with Alex and Joel in your party.
For items, you recieve 5 mystery jerky, 2 perfumes, 1 domestic jerky and a bottle of soup.
This is just the result of me messing around, nothing to be taken too seriously (I don't know anything about making stuff in RPG Maker). Hope its at least a little fun!
The LISA Series is made by Austin Jorgensen
LISA: The Pointless is by Edvinas Kandrotas