
Comments (41)

What do you think?

Вот ещё один баг и кое что ещё



А потом когда побеждают щитоносца возвращаюсь обратно в магазин и вот


Появляется этот ремешок

2)просто вместо очков добавь что нибудь другое более полезное потому что за эти соломинки я потратил столько вещей чтоб добыть идеальный мусорный шар для заказчика(эти очки даже нельзя одеть никому)


What about Vegaful in Pointless? Jerry with bat

How do I find the secret boss

This game is good even very and the plus is that it is associated with Lisa the joyful in hopeful though not much but connected


1) 2 человека в мусорке (который дает ингредиент к super doner)

2) когда спасаешься от снайпера на шарике, когда эго метка достигает вас эта стрелка меняется на текстуру ryder


Lisa Wishless in Timeless 1.2.2 (Current Build)

Version: 1.2.2over 2 years ago
Fixes many bugs found by my friend buttnut (cool dude check his YouTube) and leaves the trading glitch to be used at player's discretion for their own enjoyment. If we missed any let me or Funtermore know.

Lisa Wishless in Timeless 1.2.1

Version: 1.2.1almost 3 years ago
Unload is now physical instead of certain hit, and there are a couple minor sprite and text fixes.

Lisa Wishless in Timeless 1.2.0

Version: 1.2.0almost 3 years ago
Various improvements by Funtermore and I. A new secret boss. Should have fixed all the bugs but if any remain, if I missed any lemme know and I'll patch them. Thanks.

Lisa Wishless in Timeless 1.1.1

Version: 1.1.1almost 3 years ago
Adds some marvelous Ryder diving sprites by SIE (thanks a ton dude) and a couple more bug fixes.

Lisa Wishless in Timeless 1.1.0

Version: 1.1.0almost 3 years ago
This patch was done 99% by Funtermore, shoutouts to him, I fixed exactly two bugs and he did everything else, including new lines which are very good. He has done an outstanding job with this and this patch fixes many bugs.

Wishless in Timeless 1.0.1

Version: 1.0.1almost 3 years ago
A hotfix that corrects a critical bug with Zeus's grasp. Please transfer saves from 1.0.0 to this build for the Frank fight.

Lisa Wishless in Timeless (First Build)

Version: 1.0.0almost 3 years ago
Full game enjoy

Lisa Wishless in Timeless Demo Build

Version: 0.1.0almost 3 years ago
A demo build up to the end of the night walk section. Some sprites for Ryder are missing, but they are added to and will be in later builds.

With Ryder about to mutate, Swen decides to help his friend live his last days to their fullest. The duo end up in the canyon from Lisa the Timeless.

Play as Ryder and Swen with slightly remixed movesets that are meant to fit Timeless's combat. With Ryder as a status dealer and Swen as a tank. In a new story exploring themes of the value of living life no matter what.

This mod is Co-Authored by Funtermore who helped a ton with patches to such a degree calling him any less than co author would feel wrong.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Reference
Tobacco Use
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor

I have fixed all bugs and errors I am aware of at this time save for the diving helm sprites. I will post the patch when that is fixed.

Terribly sorry for these issues and thank you for your patience.


Found some minor bugs when watching this (great) vid.

Will fix and upload a patch soon.

I will leave the trade exploit in for players to use if they wish.

Use or ignore it based on your own enjoyment from it.

Lisa: Wishless in Timeless - part 2
Can you guess what took me a whole afternoon to edit?Part 2 of Wishless in Timeless, made by Gen3king and Funtermore.Play it here:

Bugs to fix:

Barkeep saying not now elton when buying booze.

When ryder climbs with no helmet he becomes elton

These are low priority and will be handled at a far later date

New patch goin up

I accidentally left in some code used for testing purposed which caused Zeus's grasp to always one hit kill the target.

I am releasing a hot fix for this because unlike the other bugs which are quite mild this ruins the Frank fight.

Do not play 1.0