Comments (2)
Gotta say pretty Radical, hope this isn't abandoned. You've done some damn fine work.
hi, I loved you're game when it the full verizaon coming out?! The Franzy art was really good and the dialogue was realy funny, I'm verry excited to see what the other fcharcteers will do!!!! One think I would sugjest is putting rhoda tenerio into the game ilh to much! Also music wuld be cool to uh set the mood of a date. ok ily bye bestie
Ace Attorney Dating Sim
The unofficial title for this game is
[How Far Into This Game Can You Get Without Writing A Fanfiction]
It's an Ace Attorney Dating Sim
Still in development. I will upload when there is at least five datable characters in the game. #AceAttorney #DatingSim #strategy #datingsimulator
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language