Comments (8)
I tried playing the game on the website, doesn't work. Ran it on a emulator and it's stuck on the title screen. How do you get this game to work?
Above Demo 2
The 0.5.5 Beta of Above, now with new areas and story beats. If you encounter any bugs please let me know, I did a pretty good iron out but Im half asleep and running on a pepsi. Have fun!
First demo of Above! Im giving myself a more rigid set of specifications for each release this game around, so unlike Beneath I wont publish a new build for every tiny bugfix or sprite change. New demo hopefully in a couple days, Im gonna try to get good progress before school starts.
After the true ending of Beneath, Ivera finds herself aboveground and with no clear goal. Its up to you to guide her, and perhaps find peace in the world Above. #adventure #other #retro #platformer #textadventure
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Use
Mild Language
Crass Humor