Comments (306)
Extremely cute and fun.
A game for all platform-puzzle lovers.
As for the ratings:
Gameplay - 4/5
[I just wish it had online multiplayer. So that for example, a couple could play it together. But it's still a very good game.]
Graphics - 5/5
[SO. CUTE. I just loved that art style, it was just so dang cute!]
Sound/Music - 4/5
[Has very good retro styled sounds and music but becomes a little bit annoying when you can't solve a level.]
Fun - 4/5
[It's a good platformer and very inovative. The controls and hitboxes are good. Might be too challenging/hard for today's generation.]
Overall - 5/5
I couldn't allow myself to give this piece of art the 4.5/5 that it was supposed to receive. I guess it was way too cute and very fun to play.
Really cute and funny game for sure, really made you use your entire brain to work out! xD
Made a little Let's Play of it here c:
Good Game
kawwai game cx
i heard that flash player died. however, we can play it on mobile!
Heart Star
Improved post-compo version of my Ludum Dare 30 entry. Theme: Connected Worlds. Check out the LD page here: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-30/?action=preview&uid=11391
Two little friends want to reach the same destination, but there is just one problem: They live in completely different worlds! Help the partners reach the mutual goal by swapping between the red and blue world! They might not be able see each others worlds, but they can help each other out by serving as platforms or carrying each other over hazards.
Use WASD or Arrow Keys to move and jump, longer you hold jump the higher you go.
Use Spacebar to switch between the worlds
Press R to Restart current level
Press M to mute/unmute game
Press Esc to return to stage selection