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So, this is my GameMaker X Opera Game Jam entry.

It certainly isn't what I pictured it to be, I mean, the whole process was very exciting, full of ups and downs, and in the end it didn't turn out how I wanted it to, but it's still somewhat solid. I'll continue to update it, fix it and add the stuff I left behind.

Well, here it is then, enjoy this rather unfinished game, made with all the love in the world #shooter


Here it is, the Gamma version, a much more stable, better coded and fixed version, now it is the true final "final" version. Now witht the final boss, the U.F.O.! It still needs just a wee bit of fixing and polishing, but it's much better this time around

And now, I've finally released "Not All Is Lost Beta", which is a much more completed product than what I had before. It now has a tutorial, menu screen, 4 players, and much more. Of course, it still needs a ton of polishing, but for now, it works...

And, as for what I wanna add, a lot of things. First, more enemies, a "secret" final boss resembling an UFO, which was the whole idea from the begining, meteorites, and possible planets, ammo types, a tutorial, a menu and pause screen, and more weapons

As for the controls, WASD and QE for player 1, IJKL and UO for player 2, up left down right keys and NM for player 3, and numpad 9-4 for player 4

Now yes, I understand my last release was a bit rushed. It's not a final product, it's meant to represent the potential it has. The core is there, it just needs expanding. I will continue to update it, of course, there's tons of things I want to add too