Comments (1)
You have summoned a dude to play and give you critiques! The opening of this game really looks well polished, but the rest of the game falls flat as soon as the player realizes they just spam the click and win every time. If you choose to make revisions to this old project of your's, make the enemies actually attack the player or apply some kind of effort. Also, make the player's attack a little more creative than shooting bullets. I mean, he's a freaking tree dude! There's also a few graphical issues with seams and obvious paintbrush scribbling. [2.75/5]
#dreamhackjam The Apocaleaves is a game about an apocalypse formed by the humans that took over the world by ruining the environment. You are a tree spirit that took a formation / abomination of tree-human. The Goal of the game is to survive the human apocalypse and save your forest..