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Arco Inimigo

Version: 1.1.5almost 3 years ago

Although this game was made for a brazillian gamejam (gamejaaj 7), it is also available in english!

A long time ago, there was a very skilled archer.

His feats surprised even the most experienced archers of his time.

It was said that he could accurately hit 15 soldiers around him in 15 seconds.

However, his fame did not last long.

In one terrible dark night an attack took place in his village.

That night, that archer died.

Witnesses said something was terribly wrong.

He had missed every arrow, even the easiest ones.

Since that day, it is believed that his fearsome bow is cursed, and it has been hidden.

Many try to use it again, but everyone who succeeds, dies a short time later, with the same fate.

This game is a small puzzle made entirely in 1 week for GameJaaj 7 - Archenemy. As I didn't have much time, the learning curve can be a little tenuous, and I believe the last puzzle will prove to be a real challenge for some.

Anyway, I hope you like it.

WASD to move

Mouse to aim

Shift to run

Space to jump

Left mouse button to shoot

Right mouse button to stop time

R to get the arrows back

By the way, the name of the bow is Archie, but this is not referenced in the game.


Há muito tempo atrás, houve um arqueiro muito habilidoso.

Seus feitos surpreendiam até os mais experientes arqueiros de sua época.

Diziam que ele podia acertar com precisão 15 soldados ao seu redor em 15 segundos.

Contudo, sua fama não durou muito.

Em uma terrível e escura noite, um ataque ocorreu ao seu vilarejo.

Nessa noite, esse arqueiro morreu.

Testemunhas disseram que algo estava terrivelmente estranho.

Ele havia errado todas as flechadas, até as mais fáceis.

Desde esse dia, acredita-se que seu temível arco é amaldiçoado, e o esconderam.

Muitos tentam usá-lo novamente, mas todos que conseguem, morrem pouco tempo depois, com o mesmo destino.

Esse jogo é um pequeno puzzle feito inteiramente em 1 semana para a GameJaaj 7 - ArquiInimigo. Como não tive muito tempo, a curva de aprendizagem pode ser um pouco tênue, e acredito que o último puzzle vai se mostrar um verdadeiro desafio para alguns.

De qualquer maneira espero que gostem.

WASD para se mover

Mouse para mirar

Shift para correr

Espaço para pular

Botão esquerdo do mouse para atirar

Botão direito do mouse para parar o tempo

R para pegar as flechas de volta

Alias, o nome do arco é Archie, mas isso não é referenciado no jogo nenhuma vez. #puzzle #platformer #shooter

Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

"Arco Inimigo" now has a trailer ;D

Out now, try it and tell me what you think!

Also, should I make this a bigger commercial game?

Vote in the poll and help me!

#indieBr #indiegame #indiedev

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My #indiegame "Arco Inimigo", available in english and portuguese, finally got an update! Try it out and tell me what you think ;D
It's for #puzzle lovers


I created this nice shader in #shadergraph to keep the uv independent of scale. Also some randomness to make easy to build levels without looking so repetitive. Pretty proud if you ask me. #madewithunity #indiebr #indiegame


The next update of my #indiegame will not only bring bug fixes, but also some new levels and features. I really liked the light effect here, it is supposed to draw the player attention to the game mechanic. #indiebr PT-BR:

Ooooh yeah, I have some functional preeetty hidden easter eggs WAITING for you on my #indiegame

Update with them included coming sooner than later.

I really doubt anyone will ever find it, but it was worth making anyway