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Dwarf Defense (Name is WIP)
dwarf defense is set in a land in which there are dwarf's living on the land for centuries along side humans both civilized and uncivilized.
The land has been invaded by a distant enemy looking to squeeze the land of its resources to fuel their wars.
to combat this both the dwarfs and humans have formed a union with the goal of driving the enemy off the land. with both major armies off fighting a war this has left a huge void in security for those living in farms and villages susceptible to invasion by the uncivilized clans, highwaymen, and mercenaries paid by the enemy.
It is up to you and your band to combat all wrong doing happening and bring back order to your land.
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Crass Humor
Simulated Gambling