
Comments (4)

What do you think?

I hope jasper had a new line for the next map or BBCCS 5

Jasper: Hey Principal, someone's escaping detention after entering the Super Faculty Room

When you escape detention after you enter it, He won't follow you around/dragged back to detention, but instead, he call the principal, causing him to move very fast to Jasper's position with the effects similar to using the Principal Whistle. The player will also be guilty for escaping detention after you enter the Super Faculty Room as usual, however the guilt set will be longer, meaning that the player has a higher chance to get detention after this.


also when i iried to use the dollar on the pizza and burger machine it did'nt work


BBCCS 4 BB+ Map 3

Version: 1.0.0about 4 years ago

The 3rd map of BBCCS 4. I hope you enjoy.

If you wanna send me maps and stuff then you can join the BBCCS community which is here:


xTPSx - Map Creator

Mystman12 - Creator of Baldi's basics aswell as the Joe's ultimate bus ride music.

Paulor94 - Custom mode, Minigames image and randomly spawned items and The Test script

GWAYThan - Billy, Frank, Logan, Jasper, Trey and Mocking Guy idea

ToffeeRecord - Made the Serious Lee Buisnesstim, Paranoia, Power Generator , Slappy McBelterz, Snippy Scissorson, Annoyered-Business-Men, Tallymark Undersim and Poosy Kitty Darkz aswell as 3 new items idea(s).

TEMGaming - Jakc, TEXE, Noir Baldi, Mr. Nice Guy, #31P, Mr. Nasty Guy, The Doctor, TEST!SUBJECT 371, Fenki, Fundi and Jerry idea.

MrDrNose - Phonty, Doggos and Mr. Mix

Clearly - Phonty Help

TEXE - Zach and Wallace Garman idea

Kayip - Made the crate texture and Burger and Pizza vending machine texture

TheBaldiModder452 - Delilah Dazzle character

Cyndaquil - Blacklight Baldi Gang and the background model (title screen used in thumbnails) idea.

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!