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Welcome to B.G.E.M.B.J.A.T.W.D.H.A.T.B.T.G.I.A.
B.G.E.M.B.J.A.T.W.D.H.A.T.B.T.G.I.A. is a #3D #platformer. The game is kind of a free-running game. We are making this game as a part of an school project. We had the question: what is necessary to make a 3D game? As end result we are making a game.
Your goal as the player is to complete the level and reach the next level. At this point we are still developing new levels and adding more features to the game. The game doesn't really have a story, but we are thinking of a story that would fit our game. If you have a suggestion please tell us!
The player can walk by using wasd and a mouse for looking around.
The spacebar allows you to jump. You can double jump by pressing the spacebar a second time. Your jumps get reset when touching the ground.
Pressing the shift-key allows you to sprint. While sprinting you also move a lot more in the air.
Features we are adding
Our game is still developing and we want to add a lot of features to the game to make it just the way we want.
Main menu
We are definitely adding a main menu to the game. The main menu will give you the ability to select a specific level and continue from your last checkpoint. Also you can adjust setting is the main menu.
Textures and graphics
As of right now we are only using coloured blocks as the platforms and walls. We want to add textures like rocks for example.
We will make a ton of levels. We don't know how many there will be in the end, but definitely enough to entertain you for a good while.
About us
We are Joost and Thijs. We live in the Netherlands and decided we should make a game. This is our first game we are making and are continuously learning new things.

Here are some screenshots of how the game looks like at it's current form.
Testing area
The first level loaded where we test movement and where you can train.