
Comments (10)

What do you think?

Looks fine, but inverted Controls are terrible. Sorry!

I would like to mention a few things that should be changed, altered, or added:
1) When you die you can't click on any of the options and have to close out of the game and relaunch it.
2) There is no way to repair your ship, as far as I'm aware at least.
3) When you have a large crew shooting while turning to the left or right will cause you to take damage. Now I don't know the specifics of it but when it started happening for me I had the most expensive weapon and had used most of my money to jump up from 100+ crew to 400+ crew. So it likely starts somewhere between 100-400 crew.
4) Trying to get to a specific sector is incredibly frustrating sometimes as you can end up just constantly jumping between the same 2-3 sectors (sometimes even jumping into the same sector you jumped from). This is does not just happen a few times, as when I experienced this it happened almost every time I wanted to go to the bar or spacestation sectors, and it would go on so long I come close to running out of few even though I had the best thrusters and over 100 fuel.
5) Despite having the option to change your shield there are no other shields in the game, which is bad considering you cant repair your ship and the squadron of 3 government ships can usually get through your shield before you kill them all.
6) My previous point brings me to this point which is, the squadron of three government ships in the police sector is a bit overpowered for the lack of good defense we are given since as I said in my previous point, they can usually take out your shields and do permanent damage to your ship.
7) The crosshair is useless as all it does is mark the center of the screen and not what you are shooting at.
8) The mouse sensitivity is way to high and makes precise aiming incredibly difficuilt.
9) After you get the best the weapon, thruster, and a crew in the hundreds, the game becomes incredibly boring as there is no point in mining astroids, fighting enemy ships, buying more crew, or getting protection money since you already have the best you can get and there are no quests/missions nor a storyline that means you have to do anything.
10) Mining astroids is a bit annoying since there is nothing to help you grab the material after you break the astroid, and due to the camera angle even when you think you are lined up to run into it you can easily miss, and due to the high mouse sensitivety even if you notice it and try to correct your course to get it, you'll just throw yourself even more off course.
11) Another astroid mining one, no matter the size of the astroid all astroids give the same amount of astroid material.
12) There is no "Sell All" option, so you have to spend like a minute rapidly clicking the left mouse button while you wait for all your astroid material to be sold.
13) Equiped items taking up cargo space makes no sense considering if your gun and thrusters are equiped they would be part of your ship, and not sitting in your cargo hold. Also fuel shouldn't really take up cargo space either considering I would imagine for saftey reasons fuel would either be held in a different compartment or in something that will feed the fuel into the reactor. Though even if you wont do that, then add in either bigger ships or cargo hold upgrades.
14) The game is described as "a 3D-Action-BuildUp Game where you can become the head of a huge Space-Mafia. Start with nothing, sell Asteroid Material, hire crew members, upgrade your ship and rule the whole universe!" Though in the game there is no indication of having a Space-Mafia unless you count the crew as it, which just makes you the head of a pirate ship not a whole mafia considering your just one lone ship. Also with the best weapons and thrusters you can get and 1000+ crew a squadron of three government ships can still easily destroy you if they come up behind you, so I don't see where the "and rule the whole universe!" part comes in.

Anyways yeah, consider that my review for the game in its current state.

Is it just me or is the main menu buttons pushed off the screen, like the only option I can actually see is like the 'ns' of options

Beautiful graphics! I included it in my Beans Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look! :)

Kann man die Steuerung umstellen?! Solange es invertiert ist kann ich leider nicht spielen :D

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Background Loop 01


"Faster than a Rocketbean" is a 3D-Action-BuildUp Game where you can become the head of a huge Space-Mafia. Start with nothing, sell Asteroid Material, hire crew members, upgrade your ship and rule the whole universe!

Planned for V1.2.0:

  • Great looking visual jump effect

  • Visual indicator for sector size

  • Button to sell multiple asteroid materials at once

Changelog V1.1.1:

  • Fixed a crafting bug

  • Fixed inventory refresh

Changelog V1.1.0:

  • Option to invert axis!

  • Make fuel craftable (out of Asteroid Material so you're never stuck)

  • Make Enemies faster

  • Increase enemy kill reward

  • Increase protection money gathered from civils

  • Crosshair

  • Fixed the options menu

  • Player now gets damaged by enemies

  • After lose, mouse is re-enabled and the game can be restarted

  • Added spacestation colliders

  • Added enemy-colliders and tweaked their weapons (so they dont kill themselfes anymore :D )

Extern Assets:

  • Skybox (Asset Store)

  • Font (Spaceport 2006, dafont, Public Domain)

  • Planet-Textures (from NASA)

  • Particle Effects for Asteroid-Destruction and Shooting

  • everything else is selfmade

Some gameplay hints:

You can gather Asteriod parts by shooting Asteriods and collect the dropped material and sell them to increas your money count. After you saved some money you can expand your ship with up to two thrusther upgrades or up to two more weapons. But maybe you want to upgrade your defenses and buy more shield generators. And dont forget to keep a look at your crew count (so your weapons charge faster) and fuel to be able to keep jumping around space.
If you bought an upgrade dont forget to equip it in your inventory. you will also see the new upgrades attached on your ship. (Watching the Feature Overview Trailer will also help you!)

Possible Sectors:

Start-Sector: You always start in the Start-Sector. It is almost completely empty. It was added so the player can get used to the controls.
Asteroid-Sector: The Asteroid-Sector contains way more asteroids than normal sectors. It is perfect for farming material.
Bar-Sector: In the Bar-Sector you can find a bar build on a astroid, where you can hire crew members. Just fly close to it and you can see a hint. If you press F now you can hire one crew member for 25 credits.
Civil-Sector: In the Civil-Sector you can find a few civilians with their huge cargo ships. As a mafia boss you can approach them and demand protection money.
Enemy-Sector: In the Enemy-Sector enemies will try to kill you, you can either destroy them or jump away.
Nebula-Sector: The Nebula-Sector is full of space smoke, so you cant see really much.
Police-Sector: In the Police-Sector ships of the government will hunt you.
SpaceStation-Sector: In the SpaceStation-Sector you can sell your collected materials or buy lots of upgrades for your ship.

All sectors are random!


Fantasy Violence
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