
Comments (1)

What do you think?

This isn't that bad of a game to be in early access. The concept is good. I hope you continue the work on it at some point. It is definitely a game I intend on introducing to my children.


Bible Scout 0.5.3

Version: 0.5.3over 5 years ago

Bible Scout is an RPG that lets you have fun and avoids Magic, Fights, and other items normally found in RPGs. This is more of an open world game where you have things to do to get further around in the game, but you can do it at your leisure.

#bible #christian #religion #religious #retro #open_world #openworld #free #no_violence #noviolence #topdown #top-down #rpgmaker #rpgmakervxace


I will have 'optional' book scenes that appears when you get the different books of the bible. Not all books will have scenes. These will be optional and viewable when you get the book, or when you unlock the church libraries and then ask to view them.

Made a quick change to the introduction so it isn't as long.

This game, although far from having all the places to visit, is quite vast and playable. I hope you find it a fun game.

Instead you have Church building, Fishing, Planting, challenges (like the Amour cave where you need to find the full armor of God).

You also have hidden areas that are hidden throught the game like the Secret waterfall on Home Island.

This game started from the question: "Can I create an RPG style game that removes those items I didn't care for in typical RPG games?" These were mainly constant fights and magic.