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ogdr works on windows 2000 btw
#GameDev #Windows2000 #RPGMakerVXAce #RPGMaker #OMORI

Hi everyone! We've got even more of the Japanese translation done, such as skill names, and descriptions! Everything else (aside from parts of dialogue) remain untranslated.

That's it for now, stay tuned!

~ KeatonGamer

#GameDev #RPGMakerVXAce #RPGMaker

Drill Combo. The more walls you drill back-to-back the faster you get (Both drill-speed and move-speed) and in turn the less control you have in your movement.


sneek peek for @MINTYKARU 's game, WORLDS DETECTIVE CLUB!

NOTE: some music and artwork are placeholder as of right now.

~ tags ~
#RPGMakerVXAce #RPGMaker #GameDev


Added Sprout Moles that scream when you interact with them, and PINWHEEL FOREST to the game.

These will be added in the next major update.

#GameDev #RPGMakerVXAce #RPGMaker #OMORI #Beta #Horror #RPG