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Blitz Room - 3.0.0

Version: 3.0.0about 6 years ago

Blitz Room

Version : 2.4.4


Blitz Room is a 2D Topdown Shooter, soon to be a bullet hell game
Currently you load into an alright lookin menu, with some oldschool 8-bit music playing.

When you load into the room, you can spawn some Mice Men to shoot,
or to die too,

Shoot bullets and watch them Ricochet across the walls until they hit an enemy
or disintegrate.

Run around and check out the interesting dynamic lighting.

System Requirements


Windows XP or Newer


0.8GHz 1 Core Processor


Integrated Graphics or 512 MB of Graphical Memory


512 MB + (80MB Minimum)

Tested on a Dell Latititude E6400

Average load time : 22 Milliseconds
Average FPS : 115

Tags :
#shooter #horror #action #adventure #rpg #arcade #retro #roguelike #survival #strategy #altgame #other #pointnclick

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

There was an error in 2.2.1's Compiling, it has been fixed and reduced the overall file size by 2MB x3

Newest update! 2.2.1 ,

Added : Player Sprites
+ Sprites rotate around mouse,
+Bullets at around 500 BPM
+Bullet Sounds
+Background Music
Other :
Improved Game rendering, increased average frames by 50% on test PC
Optimized Garbage Collection

Quick note! Ive enabled Monetization on the game page, so you can pay what you want for every release you check out, and this is the plan for the final game at the moment! The recommended price is 0.50 cents, but please, take it for free!

Preview for the next snapshot, I found a way to reduce the memory usage for rendering the lighting grid, so I doubled the grids density, and now we have this :

Current Rebuild Snapshot ! (LIGHTING!) :

Camera work ! Lighting implementation coming soon x3

Reuploaded the download file , after taking out some unneccesary files and reducing the overall size