
Comments (11)

What do you think?

Here's my feedback: It would be nice if there was a way to add the original damage value back into the game in the form of a hard mode in the game settings. From there, you could move NOOB MODE and NORMAL MODE into the settings menu as well, using a slider with NOOB MODE at the end, NORMAL MODE in the middle, and HARD MODE at the front. If the hard mode idea isn't feasible, I still think a slider for NOOB MODE and NORMAL MODE in the settings menu would make sense. But this is just my idea and opinion—it's up to you to decide. I would also like to note that something similar could be done with the Japanese translation option, moving it to the settings. This is more of a quality-of-life suggestion/feedback.

Man, this is a Trojan

like the game but to hard



Broken Boundary [Undertale AU Collection]

Version: 0.4.116 days ago
wip. This is an early access version and may have bugs.

This is a collection of various AUs remade/created by myself.


This game is currently in production. It contains numerous bugs and is a work in progress.

Currently, only Undertale Last Breath and Underswap Sans Fight and Lethal Deal (Undertale Something New Sans Fight) has been completed.


・Undertale Last Breath Phase 3 (Old ver)

・Underswap Sans Fight

・Lethal Deal

・Turning The Tide

・Dusttale Skeleton Brothers' Home Encounter (Cancelled)

・Undertale Sans Fight (wip and cancelled)

・Undertale Promised. (Cancelled)

・Unusualswap (Cancelled)


1. Is the game complete?

No, the game is currently under development. Only an Early Release version is available.

2. When will the game be completed?

Undecided. We don't even know if it will be completed.

3. Can I use assets in the game?

Some of the sprites in the game are distributed on my DeviantArt. You can use them as long as you do not modify the sprites with a credit notation.
For music, please contact the author of the song.

4. Virus detected in file!

Because I use multiple TurboWarp extensions and use a different compilation method for the download version, viruses may be detected in rare cases. I can assure you that the code I wrote is virus-free, but I cannot check whether TurboWarp, Scratch, Electron, or MakeSFX are virus-free, so please use at your own risk.


Undertale Last Breath by ZerJox
Underswap by p0pcornpr1nce
Something New by rahafwabas
Lethal Deal by Midear
Dusttale by 더스트테일
Unusualswap by Oldcoinmania
Battle Engine and Game by Oldcoinmania
Undertale by TobyFox

Detailed credits are in the game.

Special Thanks

cross-celestial - An Enigmatic Encounter Cover
Mekaii - Lethal Deal Cover
GrapesCrepe - Turning The Tide Outro Cover

#fangame #undertale #other #scratch #turbowarp #game #sans #lastbreath #underswap #somethingnew #killertale #lethaldeal #dusttale #unusualswap

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence

Version 0.4.0 Released!!

The mini game added!


turning the tide wip!!!!!

i'm currently creating a mini-game

try to guess what the AU is

Wow, thank you for 4500 views and 2500 downloads! I'm currently preparing to release the project file for this game. I don't know if there's a demand for it, but I hope it will be useful to someone someday.

v0.3.1 released

Updated ULB Sans sprites and fixed "Lethal" cutting corners....