Comments (58)
I wasn't really into this game. The turning is so slow, and every time I do turn, whoever was behind me gets ahead of me. It's impossible to pass anybody and stay there.
Is split-screen available? I wanna play local with my friend.
Hi i put your game in a compilation its the last one i played :D.
Make a rocket league type mode
I've only tried the demo so far, but I enjoyed it. The physics were good, the controls were tight, and the graphics were nicely done! One question though, how do I submit my score? Is that feature available in the demo version?
Buggy League
Game Soundtrack
Buggy Rock
Basic Default Controls
Arrow Keys | Drive buggy (player one)
Space | Pause, unpause
Letter V | Change camera view (V as in the word "view")
All controls can be seen and customized in the in-game Options menu.

★ GameJolt exclusive
★ GameJolt Featured Game on 7/29/17
Game Description
Buggy League is a unique, retro, futuristic buggy-racing game. Races take place inside force fields on space stations and barren planets.
Game Features
30 race tracks. Try for 1st place against the computer racers of Normal or Easy difficulty.
23 challenge levels. Navigate obstacles, find all of the checkpoints, figure out how to make it to the end.
Time Trial mode, which records your best lap time as a ghost, and allows you to race alongside it or watch it's replay.
Every level has a fast lap time that I've challenged you to beat.
Every level has my best lap time (and ghost) that I bet you can't beat!
Every level has an orange flag hidden somewhere to collect.
Buggy damage. Panels come off, wheels bend, and the buggy can even explode.
Local Multiplayer (split-screen) with 2 to 4 players. Race against eachother, or cooperate to dominate the ranks against the computer racers. Also, the computer racers can be turned off for multiplayer in the in-game Options menu.
Spectate mode, including freely controllable camera.
Tour cameras, to automatically show you around the levels.
Minimaps, so you can see where everyone is, at a glance! Also, they can be turned on and off in the in-game Options menu.
Customizable buggy colors and driver. Choose any color for your buggy's body and frame, and choose from a list of 26 different drivers.
3 different driving cameras. (1) following camera, (2) strict following camera (for going upsidedown), and (3) cockpit camera, each with a rear-view camera.
I approximate that it will take you over 10 hours to beat the game!
GameJolt trophies!
GameJolt Scoreboards for your best TimeTrial on every level!
Technical Features
Should run fine on an average computer (using Normal graphics quality).
Easy to learn, with simple controls.
Playable with a keyboard (mouse optional), or a gamepad. You can customize the controls from the in-game Options menu.
Graphical Quality settings from the pre-game menu, including adjustable resolution and fullscreen capability.
The black outlines (cartoon lines, cellshading, etc) can be turned on and off in the in-game Options Menu.
Sound and Music volume controls in the in-game Options menu.
"Silent Engines" option in the in-game Options menu (in case the engine sounds start to bother you).
2 player split-screen can be split vertically or horizontally, in the in-game Options menu.
"Game Speed" option allows you to run the game up to 150% speed.
Known problems
Working on it. | The game might crash when there's a lot of action, or during level transition. Not using High Graphics Quality might fix this.
Unfixable. | Some text might become jumbled and unreadable, or not display.
Unfixable. | Althought the 4 players have different sets of keyboard buttons to play with, a typical keyboard will only register about 6 buttons pressed at once. Therefore, only 2 players can use the keyboard simultaneously.
Developer Message
Hello, Arc here :) As a solo developer teaching themselves how to do this, it took years of struggle to make this game. Thanks for playing, I really hope you enjoy it.
During it's first year, my game had a $2 price tag. To those who purchased it: your support means a lot to me, thank you very much.
Game Director | ArcDusky
Game Design | ArcDusky
Game Programming | ArcDusky
Buggy Designs | ArcDusky
Buggy Driver Designs | ArcDusky
Race Track Designs | ArcDusky
Challenge Designs | ArcDusky
Scene Design | ArcDusky
3D Modeling | ArcDusky
Model Skinning | ArcDusky
Model Textures | ArcDusky
Special Effects | ArcDusky
Optimization | ArcDusky
Controls | ArcDusky
Save Data | ArcDusky
Local Multiplayer | ArcDusky
Menu Director | ArcDusky
Menu Design | ArcDusky
Menu Programming | ArcDusky
Menu Graphics | ArcDusky
Sound Effects Director | ArcDusky
Sound Effects | ArcDusky
Music Director | ArcDusky
Song 1, "Buggy Rock" | ArcDusky
Song 2, "My Last Race" | ArcDusky
Song 3, "Turf Battle" | ArcDusky
Song 4, "Lawnmower" | ArcDusky
Song 5, "Giant Tires" | ArcDusky
Song 6, "Flying Menace" | ArcDusky
Song 7, "Punk Life" | ArcDusky
Song 8, "Monster On a Moped" | ArcDusky
Fast Times | ArcDusky
ArcDusky's Times | ArcDusky
Tour Cameras | ArcDusky
Playtesters | ArcDusky, KetDusky
GameJolt Integration | ArcDusky
GameJolt Trophy Art | ArcDusky
Game made with Unity. Thanks to the Unity Community.
Sound and Music made with LMMS. Thanks to the LMMS Community.
Models made with Blender. Thanks to the Blender Community.
Hosted by GameJolt. Thanks to the GameJolt Community.
Thanks to KetDusky.
Thanks to my parents.
Thanks for playing!
#race #racing #drive #driving #car #buggy #vehicle #dirt #mud #free #demo #freedemo #singleplayer #multiplayer #localmultiplayer #coop #retro #hard #challenge #challenging #oldschool #solo #trophy #trophies #achievement #achievements #scoreboard #scoreboards
Hellooo welcome to the bottom of the description :)
Mild Fantasy Violence