Comments (18)

how much days this have?
can i help with the game
i dont know if this is a remake or not i dont want to be rude but the original one was just too lame and boring i hope youre gonna add new features
Quick question why is it in the thumbnail the game is called chucko heese and the title is called chuck e cheeses ?
This is a advanced version of all games I've made basically the most improved and clean version. May have some lore may not that's for you to figure out. Enjoy :)

Phone Calls
Limited Free Roam
5 Nights
Custom Night?

- Coder, Modeler, and Voice Actor
- Music Producer
- Modeler and Beta Tester
- Modeler
- Modeler
@thedarkfoxpl - Android Port Maker
#fangame #horror #fnaf #altgame #strategy #puzzle #pointnclick #survival #other #shooter