
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Well then... Not an rpg game but okay :V
Its decent. I feel it should be early access though.



Version: 1.4.4over 6 years ago

CSSTOP is a first person shooter with a fully integrated multiplayer system I plan on adding more features like sound affects, crosshairs, etc. #strategy #other #shooter #multiplayer #action

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence

Sadly it seems that the game has become completely non functional i will keep it up but just be aware that the online match maker doesn't work anymore and can only be mulitplayer through hosting the match yourself. Sorry for the inconveinience.

Hey like our games, join our company discord server for more information about us

Sadly due to corrupted files i will not be able to update CSSTOP anymore. The files have been rendered unusable and has been broken beyond repair. I would have hoped to see more from CSSTOP but sadly this is its last update

Just made it so when you right click your gun not only moves to the center of the screen so you can aim down sight but it also zooms in. Also fixed the bug where you would get stuck on almost everything on the map. Remember to tell me any ideas you have!

Just finished adding a crosshair and a death sound when you die, looking for new ideas on what to add next