Comments (14)
Very nice looking environment. I spent way more time exploring than I would have expected give the size of the island.
Hi. I tried to get the Linux version to run but either I missed something or it's not actually a Linux version.
Thanks for this! It was a beautiful experience. It reminds me of The Witness in some ways, but at the same time it's something different. This isn't an organic island, but it feels like an alien sculpture or something out of a daydream.
I collected all the orbs on land I think, but didn't quite understand how to get to the ending. I did read that comment about the water, but when I jumped in I just died (?). Can you give me a hint of what to do?
This game is beautiful: modeling is great, ambiance is great and the world feels connected. I can't wait for something like an update.
However, I feel like the game needed a better shader and a skybox.
The mouse being on screen at all times was annoying as well, maybe progress text with the space key instead.
I could not find a way to collect the highest orb as well, probably me just being stupid tho.
I can't wait for the next update or project you will do and thank you for your submission to the jam.
Interesting level design. The world building seems interesting as well but it's a shame there is no ending (or at least it seems not to have one).
We'd like to know more about this small island :)
Canvas Island
On a coloful and small island, explore its many paths and learn more about it!
I made this small game for the Adventure Jam 2019, please note that there is no proper ending in the game, you can quit whenever you want by pressing Escape. I wanted to focus my attention on the level design, I hope you'll like it!