Comments (27)
Technical note:
You actually ship a Linux build but forgot to set it for the GJ release. Also a few tweaks are required to make it work.chmod +x anotherheaven data/ags32 data/ags64
and for a somewhat sane default experience set a nice windowed mode in data/acsetup.cfg
I didn't play with sound settings.
The art style is definitely intriguing, although I'm not sure it all fits together. Unfortunately I got stuck in the first two screens.
Impressive art, feels like I am playing a painting.
I was pleasantly surprised at the ending, great message and a really nice way of getting it across to the player. And the art style is really beautiful, fitting with the theme perfectly too!
The art style is amazing and the overall mood is really interesting. I felt that the main mechanic and the narrative were a bit dissonant at time, but the ending redeems it all. Nice entry!
The visual style is just breathtaking! Often when there's nudity in games it's for the nuditys own sake, here it's tasteful and dreamlike. In many ways I think you capture that dream feeling really well here.
It's also really cool that you stuff happens of screen, like the birds, driftwood etc. at the beach. The game is obviously very polished, and it's incredible to think that this took two weeks. I want your work ethic!
One final thing: It's often fun to play games that are reminiscent of classic adventure games, because it gives me that feeling again, that I had when I played them when I was younger. Your game probably has inspirations as well, but it feels like its own thing. That's great!
Another Heaven
The world He and She find themselves in is both alien, yet eerily familiar. They must journey deeper to discover the truth about this land. #adventure #AdvJam2019
Left mouse button to interact, move mouse to the bottom of the screen to access your inventory and the icon to bring up the game's options window.
Note: The game's package also contains a Linux version. Use this terminal command to make it runnable (Thanks to @murks for the help!):
chmod +x anotherheaven data/ags32 data/ags64
7/1/19 Update: Now that voting is over (thanks to everyone who voted for the game!), here are a few behind-the-scenes snippets (Warning: Spoilers!):
-The pictures used to create the backgrounds in this game were from a variety of photographs I've taken over the years. They include places like Costa Rica and Tanzania, but the majority of them are from various places in central and southern California (USA). The jelly palm tree (which really does produce edible fruit), the ferns and the cactus were taken from public domain photos.
-The O'o's name also made for some unusual script names in AGS (the male was "oOoM", the female was "oOoF", and the ones on the outro screen were "oOo"). When O'os aren't present on the jungle screen, you can hear another bird singing in the background. This is a different O'o -- the Kaua'i O'o -- which is also extinct. I also couldn't figure out the proper spelling of the O'o's name, since virtually every spelling of it I found used different punctuation.
-Though the protagonists represent the last woman and the last man, they also represent the entire human population -- thus the use of plural personal pronouns and they way they view some of the animals.
-To make the reveal at the end have a good amount of impact, I tried to use extinct animals that aren't as widely known as animals like the dodo and the woolly mammoth. To blur things even further, a number of them are subspecies of extant animals as well (such as the Japanese Wolf and the California grizzly bear). The elephant bird (the largest bird that ever lived, whose closest living relative is the kiwi) may be the biggest outlier out of all of them.
-After getting the elephant bird to move, return to the forest screen for a little surprise.
-One of the most amusing errors I discovered while making this game was that when the options menu was opened while censoring was on, the censor sprites would appear behind the protagonists' naughty bits rather than in front. Whoopsie.
-The colorful "butterfly" seen flitting around the flowers on the tropics screen is actually a day-flying moth.
-The sprite of the bear on the outro screen does not use any of the sprites from the bear's animation. The original sprites didn't include the bear's legs, since they were going to be covered by the ferns. Instead, I used the elephant bird's body and stuck the bear's head on it without bothering to remove anything that didn't need to be removed, so this is what the bear character looks like in its entirety:

-There are a total of 21 different species in the game besides humans. Some appear randomly and may be difficult to see (the large thing in the water, especially -- the protagonists don't acknowledge that it's an animal until it's clicked on when it comes up for air), but if you manage to "observe" all of them, you'll get a little something extra on the end screen.