
Comments (60)

What do you think?

Mm it looks beautiful, will it have a version for Android? :D

is this for pc and android?

O jogo ta pronto? :)

20 anos dps : joguin ta prontin? :)

50 anos dps : O JOGO TA PRONTO?! =)


How the game was completed.?

Game Soundtrack

3 songs


PT-BR (New)

Em uma noite de espetáculos na renomada Fredbear's Family Diner, os clientes presentes foram repentinamente interrompidos pelos gritos que ecoaram do fundo do estabelecimento. Uma funcionária, seguindo os sons angustiantes, fez uma descoberta horripilante: um corpo totalmente desfigurado no local. Imediatamente, a polícia e os serviços de emergência foram chamados para investigar.

Após alguns anos dos eventos tumultuados e misteriosos que assombraram aquele local, o mistério em torno dos horrores e desaparecimentos na Fredbear's Family Diner persistia. Os familiares das vítimas nunca obtiveram respostas sobre o destino de seus entes queridos, e continuavam desesperadamente em busca de esclarecimentos. Teorias conspiratórias, envolvendo elementos sobrenaturais, surgiram na tentativa de encontrar uma explicação para o inexplicável.

Um detetive, movido pela convicção de que poderia desvendar o que realmente aconteceu, tomou a ousada decisão de se infiltrar no novo empreendimento de entretenimento com animatronics, conhecido como "Bummy Pizzaria". Este novo estabelecimento que surgiu com um grupo desconhecido de investidores, trazendo lembranças da famosa Fredbear's Family Diner. O detetive assumiu a identidade de um técnico encarregado da manutenção dos animatrônics que realiza seus serviços antes que o local seja aberto.

Ao chegar na Bummy Pizzaria, o detetive se viu encurralado em uma emboscada arquitetada por um dos animatronics, mergulhando ainda mais fundo na escuridão do mistério que envolvia aqueles acontecimentos bizarros.

ES (New)

During a night of shows at the renowned Fredbear's Family Diner, the customers in attendance were suddenly interrupted by screams echoing from the back of the establishment. An employee, following the distressing sounds, made a horrifying discovery: a totally disfigured body in the place. Immediately, the police and emergency services were called to investigate.

A few years after the tumultuous and mysterious events that haunted the place, the mystery surrounding the horrors and disappearances at Fredbear's Family Diner persisted. The victims' relatives never got any answers about the fate of their loved ones, and were still desperately seeking clarification. Conspiracy theories, involving supernatural elements, emerged in an attempt to find an explanation for the inexplicable.

A detective, driven by the conviction that he could uncover what really happened, made the bold decision to infiltrate the new animatronic entertainment enterprise known as "Bummy Pizzeria". This new establishment was set up by an unknown group of investors, bringing back memories of the famous Fredbear's Family Diner. The detective has assumed the identity of a technician in charge of maintaining the animatronics who performs his services before the place opens.

Arriving at the Bummy Pizzeria, the detective found himself trapped in an ambush planned by one of the animatronics, plunging even deeper into the darkness of the mystery surrounding those bizarre events.

Gameplay(Coming soon)


  • Creator: @IgorGomesB ( Scenarios and programming)

  • Animatronics modelels: Kevyn and @Max-61818087

  • Dubbing: Katrin Anne, Tuany, Kayky Aguiar, Sofia, Natthann, Odair

  • SoundTrack: @BreNoKunioka

  • Arts: Luiz Henrique, Sofia, Ariele

  • Helpers: Pedro Probio, Pedro Nicolas.



Classic Night synopsis in English

I've released the first gameplay video from Classic Night. Happy Halloween to everyone!

- Let's play?
Promotional poster for my Instagram @igorgomessd

Promotional poster for my Instagram @igorgomessd

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