
Comments (3)

What do you think?

This game was pretty fun. I love dinosaur games and hunting games so I was hoping that this one would be good, and it was. I would love to see the finished project. I also made a video on this game so I hope you like!

Had loads of fun with it!!! I think you'll like the video I made and scheduled for upload on the 14th


Claws (Prototype)

Version: 0.4.0over 6 years ago

Hunt or be hunted by raptors.


ASWD: Moves the player

Space: Jump

Left Shift: Run

Left Ctrl: toggle crouch, swim/climb down

Alpha Numbers 1-5: switch to weapons slots 1-5

Mouse Scroll Wheel: scroll through weapons

Left Mouse: Weapon primary attack

Right Mouse: Aim or secondary attack or ability

E: Interact/Pickup

Esc: Open pause menu


1: Melee slot

2: Sidearm slot

3: Sidearm slot

4: Medium slot

5: Medium/Heavy slot

There is a command terminal that can be opened with "`" and use the "help" command to display available commands; there are two cheat commands: "god", "unlimitedammo".

Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed

I hadn't realized that my updates where not showing up as downloadable, so that's now fixed. The latest version has a Tyrannosaurus, Allosaurus, saving, and some other stuff.