
Company harder project (instalator)
Company harder project (exe)
ANG: This is the game about the management of the company team. We can make different decisions, play mini-games that visualize the situation in the company and most important, make wise choices about our company. The more companies we have, the more difficult it is to manage them. Your goal is to get the highest score possible. We lose if one of our 4 stripes drops to zero. That is why we avoid decrease in people, cash, creativity and contentment.
We will find in the game :
4 minigames
Over 39 special events
An infinite number of companies
A lot of fun
The game was created by Armez Games on Ludum Dare. 3 Day game jam. The theme was "The more you have, the worse it is"
W,A,S,D - in minigames
Mouse - everywhere else
PL: Jest to gra o zarz膮dzaniu zespo艂em firm. Mo偶emy podejmowa膰 r贸偶ne decyzje, gra膰 w minigry kt贸re wizualizuj膮 sytuacj臋 w firmie oraz co najwa偶niejsze dokonywa膰 m膮drych wybor贸w odno艣nie naszej firmy. Im wi臋cej firm posiadamy tym trudniej si臋 nimi zarz膮dza. Twoim celem jest uzyskanie jak najwy偶szego wyniku. Przegrywamy je艣li jeden z naszych 4 pask贸w spadnie do zera. Dlatego unikamy spadk贸w w ludziach, got贸wce, kreatywno艣ci i zadowolenia.
W grze znajdziemy:
4 minigry
Ponad 39 specjalnych zdarze艅
Niesko艅czon膮 ilo艣膰 firm
Du偶o dobrej zabawy
Gra zosta艂a stworzona przez Armez Games na Ludum Dare. 3 Dniowym game jame. Tematem by艂o "The more you have, the worse it is"