
Comments (21)

What do you think?

Can't wait!

This game is so creepy and so awsome ! I don't know why people don't follow your amazing game ! I will do a gameplay and I will tell my brother to share it

It's been quite some time since I've enjoyed a game this thoroughly! The overall atmosphere was unsettling and suspenseful-- and let me tell you, that chase sequence in the prison level really scared the living hell out of me the first time (especially that horrific noise)! Having memory files was a clever idea; it allows the player to experience all kinds of situations without the change feeling too sudden. I played through the whole game over and over, for several hours trying to get the other endings, and I'm not even exaggerating! I like to complete games without walkthroughs, but I knew it wasn't going to happen this time and I was very eager to experience the other endings, so I gave in and finally looked in the text file for what to do. I was very happy that it only explained what needed to be done, and didn't spoil the outcome.

The true lore of the game (the good ending) really caught me off guard-- I didn't expect the story to go any deeper than a corrupt Mario that was killing everyone. Speaking of the good ending, the sequences with the lights were beautifully done! The initial transition truly felt overwhelming, as if I was really being engulfed in pure light; you couldn't have picked a better soundtrack, either! I thought that abandoned house in Toadiere Village was just an unused area, and I was intrigued to finally get to see what was inside of it, as well as that chest inside the cell-- I'd been trying to find a way to that thing for at least half of my playthrough.

The secret ending, which was the last thing I did in the game, wasn't quite what I was initially expecting. However, when I read that I had to go to the stove to get the secret ending, I knew it was probably going to be something less serious. Nonetheless, it was quite intriguing! And to be honest, I was actually really on-edge, because there was that part of me that was expecting some sort of jumpscare.

This was seriously one of the best Mario horror games I've played in forever! I played it when it was totally dark and quiet, which allowed me to be totally immersed in the experience. Thanks for making this awesome game! ;)


if dis an rpg why three D bann er



Version: 1.0.0over 6 years ago

It seems like something is going on over in the RPG world, but I can't access it. I'm going to need your help. Look into these files I've dug up, and find out what's going on.

This is a short Mario RPG horror game where you go into various memory files, trying to figure out what's going on with the RPG world. After completing a memory file, you move onto the next. Seems simple, but there's something lurking within the RPG world that will try to slow you down...
There is a possible three endings to achieve: A bad ending, a good ending, and a secret ending.

Mario is owned by Nintendo.
Made with RPG Maker MV.
#mario #nintendo #fangame #horror #spooky #rpgmaker

Mild Cartoon Violence

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