Comments (3)
hey there
This game is really cool .
Five Nights at Freddy's : Crybashnights (Demo)
Demo Test
Five Nights at Freddy's : Crybashnights (Full Version)
The Complete Version of the game , with sometime bug fixes update and Gamemode .
Five Nights at Freddy's : Crybashnights (FNAF Birthday)
Welcome to Crybashnights! An episodic FNAF Fangame where you play as the Security Animatronics Freddy and you must find the secret of this place. #fnaf #horror #fangame #adventure #shooter #strategy #other #arcade #survival #fnaf #action #platformer #fnaf #fnaf #pointnclick #puzzle #scifi #fnaf #fnaf
Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed