
Comments (9)

What do you think?

I dont really know what i played but i enjoyed it xD.
This game was great I didn't know what to expect and was presently surprised. If I pressed Left Ctrl a white box would take up most of the screen and make me have to restart.

Absolutely no idea what have i played but i kinda liked it. Me personally i'd improve the audio levels since i have a feeling that sometimes the music is overpowering the narration. gotta say tho the game was funny and i wanna see Episode 2, since i'm rly interested about those murders that we're suppose to solve.

This is a great game! Funny as hell, intriguing, smart and silly humor combined perfectly, really enjoyed my time, especially in the haunted house part, top notch jumpscares :D
I made a video playing your game:

if you want to check, best of luck for your future projects, can't wait to play more of detective horis the horse!

when episode 2 will be released

Name Your Price

Detective Horis Episode 1

Version: 1.0.0about 7 years ago


Episode 1.

Jump into the golden shoes of the worlds most insane detective in this episodic adventure Detective Horis.

In the middle of a wasteland filled with criminals and murderers Detective Horis has to solve and uncover the truth around a series of killings.

Explore this insane and ridiculous world on foot and on wheels, yes he also has a cool car because hey... cool car means a cool ass guy right?

Detective Horis has many Detective skills mainly unconventional and sometimes very violent but hey itโ€™s gets the job done right?

Yes I say right a lot.

Third person experience


Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference
Mature Humor
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