
Comments (3)

What do you think?

This doesnt have enough LIKES!!!

this alive?

The events displayed in this game do not correlate with the real world, people or events. It is all fiction and exists for entertainment purposes. The game contains gruesome imagery, weaponry, violence and strong language. You're playing at your own risk.

Danganronpa Extra is a non-profit, fangame project related to the Danganronpa franchise. It's full of original concepts and intriguing plot, involving the usual 16 students going through a killing game with the lead of a particularly smaller version of Junko Enoshima.

Many new mechanics have been introduced to the game to keep the player engaged, together with some challenging puzzles and more to come! Have a try at it yourself.

#danganronpa #fangame #puzzle #horror #rpg #fanganronpa #danganronpafangame

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Crass Humor
Simulated Gambling

An Update

I haven't been really working on this game project for a while but it's only because I need to finish another game first. I'm not sure how long it will take but my most hopeful guess is for July/August. I will switch to this project after

It was Sekkaya Subete's Birthday a few days ago!

It's Yuria Okigami's birthday today!

It was Saikona Ichiban's birthday 2 weeks ago! (I had a surgery and couldn't draw)

It's Haikiro Musuno's birthday today!

btw i'd love to announce that this project has a wiki page on the fanprojects wiki! here's the link…

Ayamari sprites with sketched faces

Yuria sprites with sketched faces

all of the full body sprites

It's Yuga Hinonaka's birthday today!