
Deep Breaths
Absence makes the heart grow fonder... but so do the perils of the depths.

Death, it turns out, is more of a change than a finality.
In the dark depths of the ocean sits Calliste-17, a submersible managed by a small team to further the research and agenda of corporate greed. What should have been a routine mission erupts in chaos when you, Krybdis, waken to a ravaged ship and a familiar voice over the radio.
The ocean is an unforgiving place and you're running out of time.
Piece together the past, unlock the logs that hold the truth, and develop a relationship that just might be the key to your survival. If the two of you could stop bickering long enough to work together.
Embrace what's to come, or the ocean will embrace you.
Deep Breaths contains mature themes, and as such, player discretion is advised. The game contains the following:
Minor character death
Explicit Language
Body Horror / Body Transformation
Descriptions of intense moments
Descriptions of memory loss
Growing paranoia and madness
Deadly situations featuring: drowning, suffocation, implosion


He/Him, Researcher 43029 on the Calliste-17
"Hope it was worth it."
A young upstart Researcher on Calliste-17 who looks up to both Krybdis and Cylla. Has dreams of completing his research time with Leviathan and moving on to something a little more secure... like a desk job.
~7000 words
1 love interest [Cylla] who will reprimand you if you screw up
An MC who is having a no good, terrible, very BAD day
Beautifully illustrated CGs by Saffeine
3 endings
40 minutes to an hour of playtime