
Comments (10)

What do you think?

this game looks nice!

wow. this game looks not too bad! I wonder what this game's based on?

cant wait


Denger's Night Shift [old] version

Version: 0.1.05 days ago
ya this why way back in 2022 or 2023


the year 2000's a 18 year old that just got a house after their parents kicked them out and so they tried to go in jobs but they are not hiring in this month so they look in some news papers and saw a job that needs a night guard for the week so they quickly go to the phone and call the restaurant and they got the job but there was a rumor that 6 kids have been lured and killed by someone in a old suit that looks like the old location in 1989 and the rumors says until this day that the missing children is hunting the robots for revenge. #fangame #horror #fnaf #survival


og creator of dengers night shift @Rafieko and prob sound effects

Intense Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Welp the old game version is publish warning it's sucky and it was made in penguin mod and no 6am and no animatronic's moving and the art is trash ngl and ya

day 2

Damn he's looking good

day 1 of trying to master @Rafieko modeling


heres the remake of the intro cutsence