Comments (21)
This game Is put together really well. I'm gonna play till the end!!!
This is really nice.
como pega o final 1??
THIS IS AMAZING!!! I positively love it Drimidog, not only does it have my character but you can also swap to my clothes from the show! that is so cool X3 thanks again for making this, it was a lot of fun and I think I found all of the endings..except for ending 3, I'll have to take a look around for it, big thanks mydude :3
Don't Sleep
EUA: This game is a protogen that may have another model if everything goes well, I thank @Raccoonicorn another developer here at Game Jolt for letting him use it in the game, I hope you like the game.
BRA: Esse jogo é um protogen que poderá ter um outro modelo se tudo der certo, agradeço o @Raccoonicorn outro desesenvolvedor aqui da Game Jolt por deixar usar ele no game, espero que vocês gostem do jogo.