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Angel Star Studios
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Japanese Romaji Adventure

Version: 1.1.0over 4 years ago


An RPG in which you learn Japanese using romaji characters i.e. English letters.

In this game you can practice and learn over 600 words along with some basic grammar.

In a matter of hours you could be speaking Japanese. For those already learning Japanese it is a valued study addition.

It is set in the 1800's and is an epic adventure that will teach you about Japanese history and the language.

What is it about?
Join Harry and his crew who are among the first westerners to set foot on Japan after the prolonged period of isolation.

Set during the Meji period -- a considerably important time in Japanese history.

Face enemies and make friends along the way as you battle, quest, quiz and learn your way to victory!

All quizzes and quests can be done an infiinte amount of time to consolidate learning.

Language skills include: Intro, greetings, colours and numbers, prepositions, time, direction basic grammar.

The game has mini-quests and mini-games and additionally there is a battle component.

What can you learn?
My ultimate goal was to make this game suitable for teaching the entire 700 words of Japanese N5. It teaches 600+ words and I am happy with the completed project.

It is ideal for students and/or Japan fanatics!

It is part of the Edutainment RPG series and it would be a pleasure to hear from you

Come join us!
In this Discord server you can find fellow Japanese language students.

#other #altgame #JLPT #N5 #Japanese #Education #Educational #JRPG #RPG #adventure #rpg #other #Edutainment

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
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