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Dungeon: The Tale of Blue Knight

Version: 0.0.2about 3 years ago

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

I haven't posted anything in a while and I just wanted to say that the reason for the absence is because I'm working on another project set to come out sometime soon and after that is done I shall get right back to working on this.

Changelog: v0.0.2

Added music to main hub

Added first cutscene

Added Merchant

Minor changes to grassland main hub

Changed main menu and level music

Added a Controls Info Card

Added a quit button -Esc-

Added Enemy info cards

New version out now! Dungeon is now in v0.0.2! Enjoy!

Heads up! I will probably be putting the slightly updated version out in a few days, after I create new music for the levels as well. It will also include slight changes and improvements and will include a health merchant in the main hub

Just created the grassland main hub soundtrack that will be used in the next version