Comments (1)
Visit my youtube channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdQlabEcw-iu0mFeTDggbIQ
Follow me on soundcloud:https://soundcloud.com/user-671155530
En español:
Mi juego se desarrolla en el mundo de EarthBound o Mother como lo quieran llamar, bueno se desarrolla muy encima del monte Ebott( donde se desarrolla Undertale en el cual se basa un poco el modo de juego ) en una base áerea y allí verán la historia.
In English:
My game take place in the world of EarthBound or Mother what ever you want to say it, welp it takes place too above of the mt Ebott (When Undertale exist and my game is based a lil´ of the game mode) in a sky base and there you will see the history.
Check my actual projects on my new account!!
And before you ask it to me, no Elementary is not cancelled.
I just moved.....