Comments (2)
For a second atempt at making a game with little experience is not bad
But I think your tf2 skills are far superior not to mention the editing
Either way

Evening at Aggo's 2

Twelvie is at it again. She and her friends failed to assimilate you into their metaphorical hell (A Discord Server lol) and now she is holding nothing back. She, her friends and some new faces will be put against you in a test of endurance and wits. The second Evening at Aggo's will commence shortly.

Evening at Aggo's 2 Boasts a ton of new features all aimed at making this a unique experience and a pretty replayable Five Nights at Freddy's fangame.
A Post-game Night segment
A shop to buy items for runs
And some surprises ;)

Now most of the assets used to make this were most definitely not mine. Especially the music, (I "borrowed" it all lmao) So I will do the creators of said music a curtesy and give them some much deserved credit for their work
I Got No Time - Living Tombstone
Cheap Shop - Scott Pilgrim the game
Owl House End credits music box remix - Aternova
Hypno's Lullaby Shop theme - Saster
Last Surprise - Persona 5
Kick Back (8-Bit Remix) - MegaBaz
Undefeatable - Sonic Frontiers