
Comments (67)

What do you think?

is there going to be multiple paths?

if so here are some suggestions

  1. When Tails gets away from Sonic.exe the screen suddenly turns black, turns back on with the teleportation sound effect. Instead of killing Tails on the spot, he destroys the ground and gets hurt with scratches on him eventually setting him off into a Scrap Brain Act 3 esque type of zone called Cave of Torture. From there Tails can go 2 ways, Option 1. He flies back up and gets back to the Hide and Seek level. With Sonic.EXE nowhere to be seen Tails exits and comes back to a more, distinguishing that it looks more ruined, with fog all over the place, and trees broken down type of Bereft Hills. When Tails gets to the beginning again, Sonic.EXE teleports behind him and punches a hole in Tails chest...

    The following appears on the screen,

    You thought you could escape?

  2. Option 2. If Tails decides to go foward within the Cave, he will eventually find a torch as the Cave gets darker and darker. Tails finds a light and decides to go toward it, he eventually finds out its a Chaos Emerald. But before he can grab it, Sonic.EXE appears with a stern look on his face, the screen then says "RUN WHILE YOU CAN" and then Sonic.EXE chases Tails. As the level goes on it gets more abandoned with vines starting to grow, eventually Tails hits a dead end, Tails then gets caught with some vines and as they strengthen and Tails arms and legs start to bleed, then you have to spam your movement keys to escape. If you don't escape, Tails will die and his body will start to decay more and more with the plants until the player closes the game. If he does escape, the Chaos Emerald that Tails had will break a way out. But before Tails gets out, Sonic.EXE injures him and you have to spam jump to get out. If you fail to get out, Tails will start to fall to the floor and the words appear "YOU FAILED TO SAVE HIM..." It's quiet for a while, but then Sonic.EXE jumpscares you and the game crashes. If you succeed to get out though, Tails (Brutally injured with scratches and blood marks on him) makes it out alive, and as the screen slowly turns white as you exit the cave, you get sent back to the title screen.

Probably the coolest Sonic.EXE Retake out there

you should be investing in Sonic.exe Crimson Recast stocks


Crimson Recast coins (the best cryptocurrency ever)

The game looks promising so far!

I just wanted to ask about the engine your using

what framework did you use? Orbinuat? SimpleSonicWorlds? Genesis Sonic? Or even Flicky8engine?

What is Sonic.EXE Crimson Recast?

It's my own rewrite of Sonic.exe to feel more like a sonic game, rewriting the OG creepypasta, gameplay elements, new levels, new sprites and new soundtracks!

CREDITS (might get changed anytime):

The Team:

Me, @0_Cult (Director, Owner, Story Writer and a Spriter)

@santi1807 (Coder)

@CrystalZeroChaos (Coder and Level Designer)

@Akimaca (Spriter and Concept Artist)

@Rene_SF (Spriter and Concept Artist)

@Tricky299l (Spriter and Concept Artist)

@maatzZizou (Spriter and Concept Artist)

@iams0ularm0narch (Composer)

@SomeArtistGuy (Artist and Concept Artist)

satanbutworse (Artist and Concept Artist)

@name-alreadyinuse aka Random Stranger (Story Writing Assistant)

Special Thanks (Contributers):

@Sketchy4ever (Composer)

@tucann (Composer)

@Cageaboom1 (Composer)

@NotEyGLol (Coder)

@stormdev (Spriter)

@The_Speed_Guy1991 (Concept Artist and Composer)

@Noah-the-tomato (Spriter)

@MoonyExclipsy (Spriter)

(They had the roles next to their names but left the team, they worked for the game so they get a special thanks for being part of the team)

OG Sonic.EXE Creepypasta by JC The Hyena.

Current ownership of Sonic.EXE belongs to ASTRANOMICONX and JoeDoughBoi.

OG Sonic.EXE Game by MY5TCrimson.

#fangame #horror #action #adventure #platformer #retro #other #survival

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Mild Language

Our composer made a CR song on his SoundCloud, go check it out

(Also have this art by NotSoSauronGuy)

I'll answer any question you guys ask about Crimson Recast that doesn't spoil much content (stuff like what is he, what are his abilities, etc)

Evolution (Left = New, Right = Old)

Art by Akimaca

po po POLL time!!

For Eggman's gameplay, should it be similar to Sonic adventure 2's Tails and eggman gameplay with the mecha (with occasional puzzles) or should it be more classic sonic like with eggman walking himself (also with puzzles)

  53 votes Voting finished

About Crimson Recast

Development is a bit slow but we are trying to work around it, I promise it would be all worth it in the end. Recommending professional sprite artists capable of drawing zones would be nice (have some promo art)